Wednesday, May 23, 2018

The Immutable Plan of God

“For I am the LORD, I do not change; therefore you are not consumed, O sons of Jacob.” Malachi 3:6

Immutable. This is an attribute of God that only He possesses. It means -  He does not change. He is the same yesterday, today, and forever. On the other hand, we (and all created things) are always changing. We grow older day by day. Our bodies wear out and die. Our knowledge changes. Our opinions change. Our feelings change. Our plans change. Our ideas change. Our circumstances change. But God does not change. 

God, the creator of time, is outside of time. He is eternal. He is the great I AM, without beginning or end, therefore He does not age. He cannot cease to be, nor can He die. He is life and the source of all life. God does not grow in wisdom, as He is the only all wise and the source of all wisdom. God does not change his thoughts, opinions, ideas or plans. All circumstances are under His absolute, sovereign control. What a mighty God! To you alone, Oh God, be all glory and honor and praise!

Great is the patience of God! God told His rebellious people through the prophet Malachi that they were not consumed because HE DOES NOT CHANGE. Despite the way Israel had despised His name, despite the way they had profaned His sanctuary, despite the way they had dealt treacherously with each other, He did not consume them in immediate judgment. His promise to send the Messiah from the seed of Abraham would not be derailed by their rebellion.

Nothing can thwart God’s glorious plan of redemption! The Father’s plan from eternity past to call into eternal glory a redeemed people for His Son has been unfolding from creation to the present. Even now, Christ is building His Kingdom. The Holy Spirit is bringing the dead to life. He is giving sight to the blind. As the gospel is preached, the sheep hear the voice of their Shepherd. Throughout all of history and up to this day, God has endured with much patience the iniquity of fallen humanity. His just judgment has not yet been unleashed. He will not consume this world with judgment and fire until all His children have been transferred from the kingdom of darkness into the kingdom of light. But dare not think His seeming delay is indicative of His changed plans, for no scheme of man or devil shall dismantle God’s intent to display His glory before all of creation.

The Lord will bring His mighty purposes to pass. In the last chapter of Malachi, God gives a sobering promise. “For behold, the day is coming, burning like a furnace; and all the arrogant and every evildoer will be chaff; and the day that is coming will set them ablaze,” says the LORD of hosts, “so that it will leave them neither root nor branch.” The words of the prophet Malachi would be the last words God spoke to Israel before the Messiah was to come. It is no wonder that Israel did not recognize Jesus, for they were waiting for a mighty Messiah to come in power and judgement. Jesus, the suffering servant, was not recognized. Israel was looking for a conquering King.

But be assured, just as Jesus has come once to seek and save the lost, He is coming again, but this time to judge the world in righteousness. “For the Son of Man is going to come in the glory of his Father with His angels, and then repay every man according to his deeds.” (Matthew 16:27) Think about that. Every thought, word, and deed will be judged by the all-knowing God of creation. How will your soul fare on that Great Day? Perhaps you’re counting on your good deeds to save you. But just as the guilt of a serial criminal cannot be cleared by any amount of “good” behavior, the same is true of the good deeds of all sinners. They are useless and powerless to sway the wrath of the Holy God. We have all sinned against God, for every act of disobedience is a direct assault on God.

Who will be able to stand on the great Day of the Lord? But God, being rich in mercy, has provided a shelter from the wrath that is to come. Jesus, the spotless lamb of God, took the wrath of God upon the cross for ALL who will believe and trust in Him, for ALL who will follow and obey the Lord Jesus. This unsurpassable gift has been given by the grace of God; it cannot be earned. All who will receive this gospel by faith are given the Holy Spirit who works in our lives to turn our hearts away from sin and back to God. Have you surrendered to the authority of King Jesus? Is Jesus the meaning of your life? Is He your all and everything? Are you living under the authority of His Word or do you presume to rule over it? Have you found delight in His Word and in Him? These things are what he commands of anyone who would dare to call themselves His disciple. Christ’s invitation to deny yourself, pick up your cross, and follow Him is being extended even now. Run to Christ! He will not turn any away. He alone is the only way unto salvation.  Jesus demands that we repent and believe this gospel, for He is coming quickly.